Jivamukti Yoga

What is Jivamukti Yoga?

Jivamukti Yoga is a dynamic and spiritually rooted style that integrates physical postures, breathwork, meditation, ethical principles, and devotional practices. Founded by Sharon Gannon and David Life in the 1980s, Jivamukti Yoga is designed to provide a holistic approach to well-being, combining the physical and spiritual dimensions of yoga.

Jivamukti yoga


Five Tenets: Jivamukti Yoga is guided by five central tenets: scripture (shastra), devotion (bhakti), kindness (ahimsa), music (nada), and meditation (dhyana). These principles form the foundation for a practice that extends beyond the physical postures.

Vinyasa and Asana: Jivamukti classes incorporate vinyasa, emphasizing the fluid transition between postures. The physical practice (asana) is challenging and varied, often drawing inspiration from diverse yoga styles.

Philosophical Integration: Jivamukti integrates yogic philosophy, encouraging practitioners to explore ethical living, self-awareness, and a sense of interconnectedness with all living beings.


Spiritual Growth: Jivamukti Yoga places a strong emphasis on the spiritual aspect of yoga, aiming to guide practitioners toward self-realization and a deeper connection with the divine.

Physical Strength and Flexibility: The challenging asana practice builds physical strength, flexibility, and balance. Sequences often include inversions, backbends, and arm balances.

Cultural and Environmental Awareness: Jivamukti encourages awareness and activism. Practitioners are often guided to live in harmony with nature, adopt a plant-based diet, and engage in social and environmental causes.

Music and Chanting:

Music is an integral part of Jivamukti classes. Live or recorded music is often incorporated, and chanting of mantras may be included to enhance the spiritual and devotional aspects of the practice.

Teacher-Student Relationship:

The teacher-student relationship is emphasized in Jivamukti Yoga. Teachers are seen as guides, not just in the physical practice but also in the philosophical and spiritual dimensions of the yoga journey.

Community and Inclusivity:

Jivamukti Yoga studios often foster a sense of community, encouraging practitioners to support each other on their spiritual path. The practice is designed to be inclusive, welcoming individuals of all backgrounds and levels of experience.

Variety of Classes:

Jivamukti classes can vary, offering different themes, intensities, and focuses. This variety allows practitioners to explore different aspects of the practice and tailor their experience based on their needs.

       Jivamukti Yoga is a comprehensive and spiritually rich practice that goes beyond physical postures. It offers a holistic approach to yoga, integrating philosophy, ethics, music, and devotion to guide practitioners toward a deeper understanding of themselves and their connection to the world.